I guess Ibrahim Foxman, clueless Defender of the Shariah, has no problem with this.
The Anti-Defamation League has outlived its usefulness. Time for it to be dissolved.
As you read these words, more than 30 million Islamist men are dreaming up ways to murder you and your children. Don't you think it's about time we rolled up our sleeves to destroy them as quickly and decisively as possible?
I guess Ibrahim Foxman, clueless Defender of the Shariah, has no problem with this.
The Anti-Defamation League has outlived its usefulness. Time for it to be dissolved.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
3:29 PM
My friends, imagine if you will a kind of Einsteinian thought experiment, with the question being:
“Can we posit or theorize a single action that would:
*Make Ahmedinejad and the mullahs go weak in the knees with terror and rage?
*Shock and confuse the worldwide left-progressive mob?
*Refute, delegitimize and invalidate the theory and practice of shariah? And provoke an existential crisis within the ideology of Islam?
*Leave George Soros and his White House puppet utterly confused and humiliated?
*Make courage and inspiration swell in the breast of every true Christian and Jew, and every other human with a soul, on earth?
*This action would instantly halt the largest ongoing process of archeological vandalism since the Taliban blew the Bamyan Buddhas to smithereens; and actually restore one of the most storied and ancient religious sites of all of human history.
*And this single action could be executed by a sovereign, democratic government…without any need for an invasion nor intervention upon any other country.
*And, strictly as an added bonus...MAAAAAAAYYYYYBE even speed the arrival of the Messiah?
Imagine this, all in theory.
If we could posit such an action, would you support it?“
What’s not to like?
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
5:47 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
5:49 PM
“What happened in Itamar, to call them animals is not productive…Here, I’ll talk like the leftists talk: ‘Palestinians that were created in God’s image came and massacred babies.’ My point is, if you think that this was an isolated incident, if you think that these were lone wolves that acted, or even if you think that this is a product of the incitement by the P.A., all of those are not answers, all of those are inaccurate and insufficient. No, no, no, that’s not the point. The point is: this is exactly what is the spirit and the essence of Islam. And we know that very, very well.”
Thank you and well said, Rabbi.
Where are the rabbis in America willing to point out the problems in the Islamic ideology? Where have they been since 2001? Too busy sitting down with glaring imams at mutual respect events at the synagogue? Or raising money for Barack Haman Obama?
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:07 AM
In trying to respond to the latest "Palestinian" atrocity in Israel, I couldn't help but be reminded of soooooooo many similar outrages these people have committed in recent years. These are not errant bombs or bystanders killed by shrapnel that had hit its target...these utterly innocent victims WERE the targets. As are all da Jooooooooos living in Israel.
I've gathered here just a few of these long-ago...maybe not so long-ago crimes, with the emphasis on children, but I had to recall the murder of Erez Levanon: surely this diabolical knife assault on a single Jew praying alone in the forest has to rank up there with the proudest and most emblematic moments of the "Palestinian" national cause. And Rabbi Lazer Brody had this utterly amazing insight on this martyrdom, almost exactly four years ago.
And we'll never forget Tali Hatuel, gunned down in 2004 as she drove to pick her husband up from work. The savages also slaughtered her four daughters, and the infant in her womb:
There was Danielle Shefi, a five-year-old murdered in her own bed in 2002, like the Fogel kids, but shot, not stabbed:
Danielle Shefi's bedroom--look familiar?
Little Shalhevet Pass (2001), and what kind of demons does Allah need to plant in your breast to lay the crosshairs of your sniper's rifle on the forehead of a ten-month-old child?Come to think of it, pretty much the same demons that would drive you to slash the throats of a 4 year old child and a 3 month old infant, I guess. But who says Islam is satanic?
Ohhhhh, and one little story I'm sure you never read about...I didn't until today. Looky at what a simple IDF checkpoint turned up just 4 days ago:
"Yesterday during a routine security inspection at the Tapuach Junction south of Nablus, Israel Border Police arrested a 20 year old Palestinian man after five pipe bombs and three firebombs ready for detonation and a knife were discovered on his person.
The man was taken for security questioning and the explosives were detonated in a controlled manner by sappers.
Below are some of the photos of the explosives:
Nice knife, huh? I wonder if that's standard issue for all "Palestinian" boys above the age of 12 or so.
And this weekend they passed out cookies on the streets of Gaza to celebrate the massacre of the Fogel family. Yeah, they sure deserve their own state, don't they?
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:58 PM
Labels: evil arabs islamism shaitan palestinians, jihadis, muslim terror