Sunday, January 13, 2008

Can We Stop YET ANOTHER Islamist Crime Against Human History?

To add to the sickeningly long list that stretches from the torching of the Alexandria Library to the demolition of the Ayodhya Temple to the smashing of Joseph's Tomb to the dynamiting of the Bamyan Buddhas and even the obliteration of Muhammed's birthplace, the Islamists have picked yet another revered ancient site to destroy. The Tomb of Cyrus the Great in Pasargad is set to become the bottom of a new Islamic lake, thus serving to blot out the tangible evidence of an historically greater, and more humane non-Muslim Persia:

A young Iranian, code-named "Cyrus," who has secretly been in contact with the Omedia editorial board for several months, directed our attention to an interesting campaign related to the Persian king who his code name was based on.

The young man claims the ayatollah regime in Iran is endeavoring to sever the link between the Persian people and its historic heritage through measures including the destruction of archaeological sites that are significant to this heritage.
The Iranian government is in the final stages of constructing a dam in the country's south that will submerge the archaeological sites of Pasargad and Persopolis – the ancient capital of the Persian Empire. The site, which is considered exceptional in terms of its archaeological wealth and historical importance, houses the tomb of the Persian King Cyrus. It was Cyrus who liberated Babylonian Jewry from their exile in the famous Declaration of Cyrus (which is mentioned in the book of Ezra in both Hebrew and Aramaic).

In response to the plan to submerge this historic site, in the process covering up the treasures of the past – including Cyrus' tomb – a group of Iranian academics established the Pasargad Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit organization that undertook an international campaign to salvage the important site. On the foundation's website they observe Cyrus Day (on October 29) and are asking people to sign an international petition calling for worldwide intervention, including the involvement of UN agencies like UNESCO, in order to "halt this inhuman cruelty to the extant treasures of human culture."

I believe it was Arthur Koestler who said that the final struggle would pit the Communists versus the ex-Communists. [And he was right!! Gorbachev vs. Yeltsin!!] Now a new kind of struggle is upon us, much less cerebral and much more atavistic and primal. I have concluded that the true dividing line of this struggle is historical truth, and the archeological "artifacts" that evidence it.

OUR final struggle will be between those who love archeology and those who hate it.

You read it here first.


Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog.
Interesting thing here in Ottawa. Our synagogue is located adjacent to a Geek Orthodox church. To me they seem, side-by-side, to represent the foundations of Western Civilizatiion.

PM said...

you forgot to include Swat buddha.. the latest entry in the list from this Ramadan...

Adam Moses said...

The list is very long...
Please add the Maldives to the list. Islam has destroyed the ancient preaceful culture and replaced it with a violent Muslims identity.

Nancy Coppock said...

What happens to civilization when it destroys itself in the name of progress? This is complete insanity. I appreciate your work in bringing these criminal acts to the forefront of real news. It's hard to get through when our culture enjoys watching Britney descend into madness. But, maybe the Britney story is the same as the destruction of historical sites. There is something about people that enjoys obliterating civilization. It takes a real man to stand up out of the morass and say "No!" Thanks J.O. You're the man!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't Cyrus who liberated the Jews from Babylonian exile...

And it wasn't even "Babylonia", in fact - but the Assyrians...

The Babylonians and the Medes battled the Assyrian Empire from both south and north leading to the fall of Nineveh - at their hands...

The Medes reconquered much of what was historical Hurrian Kurdish lands including the city disputed today - which then was known as Karkok, and today Kerkûk...

So it was in effect the Medes and Babylonians who delivered the Jews from Assyrian bondage...

Jewish Odysseus said...
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Jewish Odysseus said...

Wow, a lot to respond to...

Tzvi, I hear ya, bro, as you can tell from the name of my blog. ;- )

PM, thanks for the reminder, I DID see the stories about the soon-to-be annihilated Buddhas of Swat, but that list was of course not meant to be comprehensive...Not enough bandwidth on the Net...

Adam, the Maldives is going right down the Islamist sh!tter, and the world yawns...

Nancy C, thanx for the kind words, we aim to please!

Nancy, I never knew that Cyrus was an Assyrian...the Tanach certainly reports otherwise! But as an open-minded person WHO LOVES ARCHEOLOGY AND TRUTH, I am more than willing to be educated.

Son of Jor-El, I have to demur-- most of the folks protesting this instant historical atrocity are Muslims, too, and it is precisely with Muslims like that we need to ally.

Anonymous said...

Here is a blog of a survivor of one of those Islamofascist bombings in Israel.

She shows such courage. And it is because of this kind of courage that we will defeat the Islamofascists.

Jewish Odysseus said...

Anon, thanks for that tip on "myshrapnel." OMG, that is one courageous, inspirational young lady.

But I don't share your optimism, since the leaders of the Jewish nation today are overwhelmingly a gang of blind cowards.