Saturday, June 13, 2009


Highly Trained Jooooooish Agent

Lunatic Arab-lslamic rumor #768--from Israel National News:

"PA Blames Israel for Wild Boars
Sivan 21, 5769, 13 June 09 08:40by Maayana Miskin
( Palestinian Authority media outlets continue to blame Israel for problems caused by wild boars in Samaria, despite Israeli efforts to cull the animals. On Thursday, PA farmers near Ariel complained that “Israeli settlers” had engineered a wild boar attack that destroyed agricultural produce.

The farmers' claims were repeated by the head of the regional PA farmers' union, who accused Israelis living in Ariel and nearby towns of planning the attacks. The union head did not explain how Israelis allegedly trained the pigs to destroy only Arab crops.

Arab residents of Samaria have made several similar claims over the past three years. The claims have been backed up by PA armed forces, whose officers have been quoted as confirming to PA media that Israel is behind wild boar attacks."

Note that this rumor is spread by (a) individual farmers; (b) the head of the farmers' union; and (c) Arab armed forces officers. So it is coordinated from top to bottom, and no-one on the Balesdinian side seems willing to speak up for sanity.

Have you noticed how Muslims always start spreading a preposterous, nasty rumor before they go on a rioting/killing/arson/rape spree? This one is a little funny, but when combined with the rumors that the Jooooooos:
*have been poisoning Arab wells;
*have been spreading bubonic plague to the Arabs;
*are planning to blow up the al-Aqsa mosque (multiple times);
*sell poisoned candy to the Arabs;
*sell poisoned toys to Arab kids;
*send AIDS-infected prostitutes to Arab countries to spread AIDS there;
*lace Arab drinking supplies with chemicals to make Arab women infertile (jeez, how incompetent are THOSE Jewish
*kidnap Muslim kids for their organs to sell, or blood to make matzoh;

well, I could go on and on, but you see the humor starts to fade.

Also notice that President Hussein, in his idiotic Cairo speech, sure missed a golden opportunity to knock some sense into the febrile brains of his violent puveryors of Islamic tolerance. How many of these homicidal rumors did he knock down as he praised Islam for its science, progress, and rationality? Uhhhhhhh...NONE.

Big surprise.


GM Roper said...

Indeed, the humor, such as it is, fades very quickly. Obama in Cairo had a real chance to make history, he flubbed it because he wanted to kiss the rear end of the Muslim world.

Nancy Coppock said...

Those little boars are sooo cute and evidently brilliant as they check with the land office to see who holds the deed title before destroying crops. Who would have thunk? So much more cunning than blowing up your own kid so that you can get a big check from....errr be the parent of a glorious martyr.