Can't disagree with a word she says.
(H/T Legal Insurrection)
As you read these words, more than 30 million Islamist men are dreaming up ways to murder you and your children. Don't you think it's about time we rolled up our sleeves to destroy them as quickly and decisively as possible?
Can't disagree with a word she says.
(H/T Legal Insurrection)
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:39 AM
The same week Mitt Romney emphasizes his great respect for the Islamic faith and says he has never seen any evidence of American Muslims threatening our country, Newt Gingrich just wipes the floor with him on the issue of "Palestinian" legitimacy. Newt was absolutely 110% correct on the facts and the history, but Romney's patently weak, timid approach clearly demonstrated why he is NOT the man to lead our country. Here are Newt's key words, from 4:44 in the vid:
"This is a propaganda war, in which our side refuses to engage, and we refuse to tell the truth whiie the other side lies, and you’re not going to win in the long run if you’re afraid to stand firm and stand for the truth."
Maahh friends, a long time ago we elected a President whose enemies declared that he had a war-against-Russia agenda, and it was important that he not rock the boat and start a thermonuclear war. They said by merely questioning the legitimacy of the neo-Stalinist regime he was hurling us into the apocalypse. Now we know that, in private, when he was asked about his view of the Cold War, he said: "We win, they lose."
Go back and look at Newt's quote there. Did any other candidate jump up and agree that we are in a propaganda war in which our side refuses to engage? Can anyone deny it? But only Newt had the courage to stand for the truth, even Rick Santorum went all nervous-Nellie on us.
People, allow me to state the obvious: You cannot win a war if you don't realize you are in one. You cannot win a war by refusing to engage the enemy. And you cannot win a war if you're afraid to stand for the truth.
Well done, Mr. Speaker. And to think that some bloggers wrote you out of the race for that kissy-face with Al Sharpton and Arne Duncan!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
4:29 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:18 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:32 PM
Has everyone forgot this idiotic initiative from May 2009? Yeah, we want a President who thinks Gloomberg, Sharpton, and Arne Duncan (Obama's Education Secretary) are fonts of wisdom:
Sorry, Newt, but "good judgment" MUST be a quality of a successful President, and it's something you've never had.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:21 PM
"And nothing was left of it at all. Where has that life gone? And what has become of all that awful torment and torture? Can it really be that nothing at all is left of it? Can it really be that no one will answer for everything that happened? That it will all be forgotten without even any words to commemorate it? That the grass has grown over it?
So I ask you: How can all this be?"
--Vassily Grossman
We'll never forget her.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
6:00 AM
For the past few weeks, I've had a recurring suspicion that the several gaffes of Herman Cain are in fact "gaffes." As in intentional. Deliberate. Planned.
Allow me to explain.
21 years ago, I watched closely as a complete political neophyte announced his intention to run as governor of Massachusetts. He was John Silber, president of Boston University. Silber was a staunch Reaganite, a native TEXAN, a blunt-spoken anti-activist authoritarian university president, a big-business booster, and a Democrat. And he was running to be nominated by the Massachusetts Democratic Party. What chance, huh?
Well, to make matters "worse," Silber started his campaign with a series of shocking "gaffes." From disparaging gay rights to attacking feminism and peaceniks to questioning why "immigrants from tropical climates" move to the wintry Bay State (of course for it's generous welfare benefits), Silber missed no opportunity to defame the hideous ideology that dominated the Democratic Party of Massachusetts.
Of course the house organ of that hideous ideology, the Boston Glob, responded with off-the-charts venom to these "Silber shockers," as the candidate himself dubbed them. For about 9 months he was lampooned as a joke...until the primary approached...Because Silber was polling about 25% in a 3 way race. Even the NYT noticed in July: "Despite waging an unusual, provocative campaign that has broken many of the rules of politics and offended some women, blacks and the elderly, John R. Silber is running more strongly than expected in the Massachusetts race for governor and could be in position to win the Democratic nomination in September."
The pattern of the "Silber shockers" was firmly established: Silber would make his comment in an interview or debate; the comment would be the focus of attention for 2-5 days; Silber would be righteously questioned and re-questioned about the comment, which he would then repeat in slightly less inflammatory terms, but still defend it; and interested voters would have heard Silber make and repeat his point about 5 times more than if he hadn't made the "gaffe."
But in September he was still down by ~15 points to the front-runner, a career hack named Frank Bellotti, when about a week before the primary, the other establshment candidate, Evelyn Murphy (Dukakis' lt. governor) fell on her sword to "guarantee" the win for Bellotti. "We can't allow even the chance of John Silber winning the nomination." And how did our famous "newspaper of record" report this development? "Ms. Murphy's action therefore appeared likely to deal a further blow to Mr. Silber, a political maverick whose public standing has been slipping in the past few weeks after he made barbed comments that have alienated many voters."
With Murphy out, Bellotti's lead jumped to 23 points in the polls. Those wonderful, wonderful polls. Keep watching those polls, people. The polls are everything, don't you know? How can an old pro like Frank Bellotti blow a 23 point lead in 5 days?
Five days later, Silber beat Bellotti by 10 points, a 33-point swing. The absurdly politically incorrect Reaganite Texan became the nominee for governor of the Massachusetts Democratic Party. And the old grey lady sobbed into her gin-drenched cornflakes: "In a stunning display of voter discontent, John R. Silber, the president of Boston University who peppered his campaign with provocative remarks, scored a major upset tonight over over Francis X. Bellotti, a former State Attorney General in the Democratic primary for governor."
Which is a long way of explaining why my spidey senses are tingling these days when so many people are saying Herman Cain's gaffes are proof his candidacy is doomed. The latest is this extremely unusual--I'll refrain from saying "strange"--ad that just aired during the World Series [embedded above]. OMG, a campaign staffer blowing smoke at the camera?! Can anyone else remember the last TV ad that showed a non-evil character just...smoking...a cigarette? It's just a...SHOCKER!
Mr. Cain is nothing if not a skilled communicator. Yet it seems that, as soon as more eyes than ever are turned on him, that he becomes a fumblemouth. And wasting huge, scarce campaign dollars on a bizarre ad. Even Brit Hume has written him off.
Mr. Cain has come from nowhere, with almost no money, and no political experience, to the top of the polls. Now he's being dismissed as a gaffe machine. But I'm telling you, he's as dumb as a fox.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
6:20 PM
“If filial obedience no longer existed the whole of Vietnamese society must crumble. The time had come for the defense of the ancient ways.
The middle classes of Saigon, the governing bourgeoisie who had made advances to Nguyen Binh, suddenly realized that their own skins were at stake and wealth itself was threatened. As soon as they discovered this they grew very savage. There was no longer any question of the slightest “gentleness”; no question of the Vietminh’s nationalism. Now it was to be repression with blood and torture, a hundred times crueler than the French of earlier days.
It all developed very fast. Nguyen Phan-Long, that crooked genius who had shown himself such a simpleton as prime minister, was replaced by Father Huu, a veteran of the old school. And what came to power with Huu was money, the landowners, the confederation of the rich. Possessors who fear for their possessions are cruel, and nowhere are they crueler than in Manhattan Asia."
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:44 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:20 PM
Obama blatantly telegraphed his plan for class-warfare more than 3 years ago--notice how he defends raising tax rates on the wealthy WHILE AGREEING with the premise that it would reduce revenues...So it's the PRINCIPLE of punishing success that appeals to him:
I noticed that a lot of people were impressed by the great Herman Cain's answer to a question about health care and his own struggle against cancer in tonight's debate. But if this short vid from Mr. Cain doesn't by-gawd stir your soul, you haven't got one:
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:45 PM
I didn't blog about the Weiner scandal here, but at Ace of Spades I pointed out early why it was so important to use this scandal to bludgeon the Dems with this awaaaayyyyy back on May 31--here was a longish post to Ace (comment #61):
Posted by: jewishodysseus at May 31, 2011 09:11 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:31 AM
I've had a hard time understanding my unease, perhaps dread, at this 10th anniversary of 9/11. Although our intelligence agencies and military have performed heroically since then, to the point of essentially atomizing AlQaeda and killing Bin Laden, our country...our society...hell, our CIVILIZATION has never been weaker or more compromised versus The Jihad. This conviction was crystallized this morning, as I watched the NYC proceedings begin with the disgraceful Mike Bloomberg. In a healthy society, one that had learned its lessons from 9/11, the Mayor of the main target city would never have even considered accepting a victory mosque at Ground Zero...or if he had, the indignant citizens would have righteously tarred and feathered him, and impeached him.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:05 PM
A whole lotta wisdom here!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
11:38 AM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:24 AM
Welcome to the Department of Remembering, Norway Division.
Funny how these same weeping Fjordish Quislings couldn't see why the savages who butchered the sleeping Fogel children in Israel would be called "terrorists":
For Dagbladet, Fogel family slaughter is apparent “terrorism”
March 13, 2011 By McGonagall.
It must be really tough for Dagbladet to cover stories of cold blooded mass-murders carried out by knife wielding terrorists. So hard in fact that they appear unable to come up with an independent line of thinking, but copy wholesale from other news outlets, including offending inverted commas and suggestions that it is only Israelis who would call this a terror attack:
I Israelske medier blir drapsmennene omtalt som «terrorister» og opinionen beskylder palestinere for å stå bak.
Israeli media call the murderers “terrorists”, and public opinion accuse Palestinians to be behind the attack.
Good to know where Dagbladet stands on terrorism. I wonder how they would have reacted to a slaughter like this in Norway. Yellow journalism springs to mind….
No need to wonder any longer--just continue to blame the people resisting the jihad.
Yeah, I'm all broke up about the little intramural tragedy at their little camp, full of Aryan youth planning to help more Jooooooos die. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Karma is a bitch, beeeyotches.
PS: Another bit of remembering--Nowegian Deputy Foreign Minister Johansen is first Western diplomat to recognize genocidal Joooooo-hating Hamas regime, 2007.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
3:35 PM
I always hesitate to protest the refereeing at a rigged fight, but seeing the stupendously gross groin kicks and salt-gouged-into-the-eyes moves of the lamestream media since the killings by the Oslo "militant" [heheh, how does it feel, morons?], I guess I must point out the obvious:
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:25 PM
Whatta lovely July 4th weekend. The Anti-Jihad blogosphere has been at daggers drawn about a who-said-what-when debate, based on the need/lack of need to purge the English Defence League of anti-Jewish elements...Like the gigantic bulk of those elements aren't already happily working for/with the jihad already.
If anyone should care, I had a clear idea early on who was more sinned against than sinning in this recent unpleasantness, but felt the difference was relatively petty, and therefore neccessitated no real comment. I did put up identical cautionary posts on both AtlasShrugs and GatesofVienna, but they were ignored, in spite of my excellent advice:
A useful, please pardon my French, French expression, which has never got a lot of support in the blogosphere:
"Words are silver, but silence is gold."
Another, this one from Oliver Cromwell: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken."
Another, from Boston pol Martin Lomasney: "Never write if you can speak. Never speak if you can nod. Never nod if you can wink."
What is not said need not be explained, or explained away.
Also: Today's burning news is tomorrow's fishwrap.
Remember that one beautiful, cardinal word, my CounterJihad comrades, one single, precious word: Solidarnosc.
A little while later, a correspondent whom I'll call the Atlas Mega Fan (AMF) emailed me to urge me to support her. I think my responses to AMF, with appropriately redacted portions for AMF, will give a fairly good idea of my perspective:
The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally — not a 20 percent traitor.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:58 AM
Now THAT'S true grit!:
Yeah, what the Repubs need is to run a nominee who is extra-mouthy and takes lots and lots of vacations.
A blessing in disguise...maybe not so disguised?
You heard it here first: HERMAN CAIN IS A MAN OF DESTINY, MY FRIENDS!! [more on the Herminator soon!]
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
2:49 PM
There’s a great movie from 1985, “Brazil,” by Terry Gilliam. In a particularly memorable scene, the hero is sitting there in a ritzy restaurant with his absurdly-narcissistic mom and her absurdly-narcissistic friends, when a bomb goes off. All of the patrons who aren’t mortally wounded put on a brave face, go back to their soufflés and canapés and snobby talk, and the orchestra strikes up a cheerful tune.
It may be normality, interrupted by barbarism…Or is it barbarism, interrupted by normality? And how do those patrons actually feel when the bombs go off?
Now I know. Sort of.
…So there I am, waiting in the checkout line of Marshall’s, using my amaaazing new 4G HTC Inspire phone, checking out my Web homie AceofSpades—chillin’ on-line while in-line, so to speak—when a bomb goes off.
Well, not exactly a bomb, but let’s say a time-twisting machine: as I’m using this stunning 3d millennium technology, it displays for my wondering eyes an image straight from the darkest days of the 2d millennium, to wit: Aryan cartoons portraying Jooooooos as demons…but these cartoons were published in 2011. Check ‘em out:
[And manythanks to PJM for publishing a story that the lamestream media has, OF COURSE, attempted to hide]
Oh, and these aren’t just some twisted “underground” freak productions, these cartoons are being openly used to drum up suuport for an anti-circumcision measure in…the…most…PROGRESSIVE CITY IN THE LAND, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.
It was a very strange sensation. Here I was, in my familiar clothes, in my familiar store, surrounded by my familiar fellow citizens of my beloved America…while a few miles away, supposedly edumacated, artistic Americans are gleefully reprinting—no, CREATING-- images that would have made Julius Streicher jump for joy.
See any resemblances?:
Well, I did predict 3 years ago that, if Haman Obama won, life on Planet Obama would be “a very alien place indeed.” But even I didn’t imagine we’d all be teleported to the 3d Reich, 934th year of the 2d millennium, digital version.
A very strange feeling, in what has become a very strange country.
Oh, you didn't think I'd let you go without showing that clip from "Brazil," did you? It's at 5:45 of this vid. And you may sense a faint but definite familiarity in that cheerful little tune the orchestra strikes up after the bomb goes off. Ohhh, yes, you are right. OF COURSE you know that song. In this movie made in 1985...Of course. It could only be THAT one.
Hava nagila.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
6:10 PM
Obama is stomped into the mud, where he belongs.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
4:25 PM
I am humbled every time I think of men like this.
The American soldier has brought more liberty, morality, and progress to our country, and to the world, than any other institution in all of human history.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:40 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:48 PM
This one is getting a LOT of play:
All the big shot bureaucrats and phony security tough guys (look at Clapper and Brennan, I HAVE to laff), looking so CONCERNED and INTENSE...My gaawwwwd, they practically killed Bin Laden themselves with their stares!!
Recall all the big events of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars when Bush was President... VOLUMES of video, satellite photos, all kinds of photography SHOWING THE HEROISM OF OUR TROOPS...Did we ever see a shot of the Prez and his advisers monitoring the monitors?
And notice how seamlessly this "we can't reveal operational secrets" bullsh!t enables them to pretend their spotlight-hogging shows they care even MORE about the success of our troops.
Obama has had these images for more than 36 hours, have we even seen a single redacted photo of the real heroes in action? A few seconds of shadowy vid? Of course not.
Because Obama is a clinical narcissistic egomaniac. If young American Navy Seals are hogging the air-time, the Messiah looks less like a hero. Hence those surreal photos like the one above, where we're supposed to be inspired by our peerless leaders intently watching TV screens during a time of war.
FOLLOW-UP: Knesset member Katz, I like the way you're thinkin'!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:12 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:16 PM
The Muqata again posts breaking vid, this time of peace-loving religion of peaceniks incinerating Kever Yosef (Joseph's Tomb)--now at the direction of friendly Abbas, not scary Arafat.
"Me recognize that smoke, Keemosabee: it say 'Come all ye brave Muslims, precious Torah scrolls burn better than Georgia fatwood.'"
UPDATE: Yidwithlid has a great post here.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:47 PM
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:50 PM