Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:34 AM
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I can't tell you how long I've watched orthodox Muslims variously deny, co-opt, lie about, pervert, or make crooked out-of-context appeals to JEWISH HISTORY. It's almost like they're psychologically compensating for their own perceived inadequacies by attacking or stealing the one thing we always thought would belong to us: OUR HISTORY. "There may be a lot of misery and heartache there, but they can never take our history away from us." Think again, boychik!
OF COURSE this is preposterous to anyone with a brain and a soul but that doesn't mean these satanic savages won't TRY. The latest is from the "Palestinian undersecretary" Mutawakkil Taha, who released a report that claims, AGAIN, that the Western Wall of the Holy Temple has no connection to the Jewish faith, no, it's all just a charming but now-irritating Jewish myth in which those kindly Muslim rulers benevolently indulged us for centuries, but now we really are getting extreme...and that little Jooooooooo charade has got to end!! Let's call in the UN, too, so they can put the halal stamp on the so-called "Kotel!" (as the United Nothings recently did with the Tomb of Rachel, uhhhhh, pardon me, the "Bilal bin Rabbah Mosque.")
This so-perverted-it's-almost-humorous assault just needs to be added to all those other orthodox Muslim myths about Judaism (and Christianity), such as: Moses was really a Muslim, as were all the patriarchs including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph (hmmmmmm, then why DESTROY HIS TOMB back in 2000, guys?); Abraham gave his blessing to Ishmael, not Isaac; the Torah was just a fraudulent koran; Jesus was muslim, Mary was muslim, muhammed actually arrived in Jerusalem on a flying horse from whence he took off to heaven from the Temple Mount, Rachel's Tomb is really a mosque, etc.
I watch these mega-swill fabrications launched day after day, year after year by these same smug, grinning pathological liars, and I always have the same urge: I feel like Charlton Heston caught by the apes--but with a slightly different shout for Mutawakkil Taha:
PS: Just in case this little item has got you down, my friends, take a few minutes to review this awesome video of the newly-restored Hurva Synagogue, and rest assured that Jewish history in Jerusalem is indeed alive, and well, and growing in spite the worst efforts of the Muslims--ENJOY!!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
1:32 PM
Friday, November 26, 2010
to Muslims, are you?"
The indispensable "AtlasShrugs" has yet another incredible story here about Muslim invaders lecturing the clueless dhimmi gringos at George Washington University on the need to be tolerant of their triumphalist ideology...but left unsaid is the even more incredible irony of this story:
The guy who donated $5.55 million to GWU to build this "Health and Wellness Center," after whom it is (but didn't we know this in our bones already?) of course, Jewish. Come on down and take a bow, THEODORE LERNER, an intensely private octogenarian real-estate billionaire whose official bio page gives a few of his credentials:
Theodore N. Lerner, who is a native Washingtonian, is the Founder and a Principal of Lerner Enterprises, He is also the Managing Principal Owner of the Washington Nationals Major League Baseball team. Mr. Lerner founded Lerner Enterprises, based in Rockville, Maryland, in 1952. He graduated from The George Washington University with an Associates of Arts degree and has an LLB from The George Washington University Law School. Ted Lerner has served on the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of The George Washington University, and is the largest private real estate developer in the Washington, D.C. area. His family dedicated the Annette and Theodore Lerner Family Health and Wellness Center and Theodore N. Lerner Hall at the University. The Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation provides support to many organizations, including: Food and Friends; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Shady Grove Adventist Hospital; Hadley's Park; the Weizmann Institute of Science; the Scleroderma Foundation of Greater Washington; YouthAids; Junior Achievement of the Greater Washington Area; the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School; the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington; and Imagination Stage, among many others. Ted and his wife Annette are founding members of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
This is NOT meant to slam Ted Lerner, who is at worst guilty of cluelessness or lack of oversight of his gigantic donations to GWU. But it seems there is almost a pattern of jihadis seeking out well-known Jews or Jewish-affiliated institutions for their in-your-face activities (e.g., Imam Rauf's buying of Mayor Bloomberg in NYC; the al-Qaeda chemist who went to Brandeis). Surely philanthropic Jews like the Lerners don't make multi-million dollar donations expecting their money to be used to protect the shariah sensibilities of jihadi subversives, do they? What next, Muslim doctors at Beth Israel or Mount Sinai hospitals who refuse to treat Jewish patients?
Funny how the slimy jihadi lawyer defending this apartheid, Ayesha N. Khan, is hiding behind the notion that "because George Washington is a private university, there should be no constitutional issues with the swim hour"....Does that mean that if the private donor who funded the pool pressed to kick out, say, ohhhhhh, ARABS who wanted to swim there, that "Americans United for Separation of Church and State" wouldn't run screaming to court? "To ask the question is to answer it."
One can only hope that Mr. Lerner will lift a finger and dial up his groveling administrators at GWU.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
11:40 AM
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I was cleaning out the ol' e-mail recently, and came upon this golden oldie, from 3/31/10--ahhhh, it sure helps one's perspective to take a little trip down memory lane. And it is important to save these little nuggets from the memory-hole, if yaknowuttimeeeeeaaaan:
Dear MoveOn member,
With all the excitement around the passage of health care, you might have missed this: a big story in The New York Times showing how the bold leadership of progressives in Congress, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is a key reason health care reform is a reality today.
After the Massachusetts election, the article says, Democrats were in disarray. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was pushing a plan to severely scale back reform.
But led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, progressives stood up to fight. When MoveOn members looked to Democrats to "fight, not fold," Pelosi was right there with us.
Speaker Pelosi's leadership was critical—and with the recent right-wing health care backlash, it's important that progressives show we've got her back. Can you add your name to our thank you card to Speaker Pelosi today? Click the link below to sign the card:
According to the Times article, after the Massachusetts Senate election, Emanuel was pushing to seriously scale back health care to more incremental reform. And many in Congress, scared by the election results, were ready to go along.
But Speaker Pelosi was having none of it—no "kiddie care," as she called it, for her. She and other progressives had been fighting since long before the inauguration to make real reform a priority, and they weren't about to back down now. She made clear to President Obama and Senate leadership that she was ready to fight—and that they better be too.
Her leadership in that critical moment, along with the powerful work of grassroots progressives like you and other MoveOn members, saved health care. And now that health care reform has passed, it's important to take a moment to thank Speaker Pelosi for being a true progressive leader—and for playing a key role in a new law that will make our country a better place.
Thanks for all you do.
–Kat, Carrie, Ilya, Michael, and the rest of the team
No, thank YOU for setting up our tsunami, you soulless neo-Bolsheviks!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:46 PM
Sunday, November 14, 2010
...and we all know what needs to be done with rabid dogs.
This Hitler-vs-Jessie-Owens attitude on display here may be related to a peculiar Persian-Islamic tradition, "najis," warning against coming into contact with the bodily fluids (or just the bodies, e.g., a sportsmanlike handshake) of Jooooooooos...
But in any case, it is just the latest in a long line of moral affronts by the mullahs' regime, who every day pile up more evidence why their pulverization is long overdue. Unlike the Arabs, they are not concerned to hide their barbaric nature. By the way, will our non-Muslim President, who notices every Jewish apartment built in Jerusalem, take it upon himself to comment on this Persian piss-on-the-grave of international norms? Don't hold your breath.
Too bad about the punished Persian athletics, reading between the lines it appears they may well indeed be passive-aggressive dissidents. Max Schmeling, after all, never hesitated to shake the hand of Joe Louis.
From Israel National News:
Iran Ends Athlete's Career for Standing Next to Israeli
Kislev 7, 5771, 14 November 10 04:29by Chana Ya'ar
( An Iranian athlete forced to stand next to Israel’s champion last month during the World Masters Weightlifting Championships in Poland has now forfeited his career, as has the head of his delegation.
The Iranian champion, Hossein Khodadadi, was the target of withering criticism from his own government authorities following the award ceremony for those in the 105 kilogram category for ages 35 to 39.
Khodadadi took his place as a silver medalist on the medals podium prior to the announcement that Israeli medalist Sergio Britva had won the gold. It was the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran that an Iranian athlete had appeared beside an Israeli in an official championship.
The Iranian weightlifter said the team was not able to remove its flag from the hall, and that had he not attended the ceremony, the team would have been forced to return all the medals they had won on previous days. Furthermore, Iran would have been disqualified from future competitions.
To compensate, Khodadadi appeared in unofficial attire, and he declined to shake Britva’s hand when he extended it to his fellow athlete on the podium. Nevertheless, he stood respectfully during the playing of Israel’s national anthem, HaTikva.
According to numerous Iranian media reports, both Khodadadi and Mir Rasool Raisi, head of the Iranian Delegation’s Weightlifting Team have paid a high price for their professionalism, having subsequently been banned by the Iranian government from all sport activities for life.
The ban was announced by Jalal Yahya-Zadeh, head of the Physical Education Committee for Youth Committee.
Yahya-Zadeh told Iranian media, “The fact that an Iranian weightlifting veteran has competed against an Israeli during the worldwide competitions and has stood beside him during the distribution of medals is unjustifiable. Unfortunately, those who supposedly had the primary responsibility in this regard did not see any problem in this matter, however, and did not see it fit to be distributed within the public, which itself is an obvious mistake on their end.”
Raisi allegedly said in prior remarks that all photos and CDs of the event had been destroyed by the Iranian expeditionary team, which apparently did not expect publicity of the incident to get out.
The committee said the Cultural Commissioners had been informed and the president had been alerted to the matter. It was not clear whether there would be further government retribution against the two professional athletes.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:42 AM
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Good-bye, Joe Sestak! Adios, Ted Strickland! Sayonara, Alex Giannoulias, and Free-Speech Thief Russ Feingold! So-long, Ron Klein, we're glad to see you go!
Speaking of Cong. Klein, and the thumping defeat inflicted on him by Genuine American Hero Allen West, it was awaaaayyyy back on August 24 that right here, I personally predicted a Florida landslide for the many of the establishment boys were whining that the primary victory of outsider RICK SCOTT for Governor would doom the GOP here in Florida. FEAR NOT, I wrote:
"The fact is, with the Scott victory, Florida is approaching a "perfect storm" favoring the GOP in November. The dynamic between Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, their energized conservative voters and the down-ballot races threatens to create an unprecedented statewide debacle for Florida dhimms!...You read it here first!"
Well, so what happened here in the Sunshine State? RICK SCOTT--WIN. MARCO RUBIO--LANDSLIDE. ALLEN WEST--BIG WIN. Plus, no less than 19 GOP wins in 25 Congressional seats. Plus, all Constitutional offices won by Repubs. Oh, and the biggest GOP majorities in the State House since the 19th century...
"Don't doubt me."
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:09 PM
Monday, November 1, 2010
From Parachuting in to Pole-Vaulting Over to "Finding out what's in the bill" TOTAL DEFEAT.
Someone very close to me produced this little slideshow...Wonder how ABC's Charlie "Can I kiss your butt any more fulsomely, Mrs. Speaker?" Gibson is taking the news? "Charlie, I hear there is a sale on cyanide down at the 7-11..."
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:21 PM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
You gotta ask yourself: if this is what is being intercepted, just how much of this hardware is getting through? Lagos, Nigeria is NOT known as a hermetically sealed port, either going in or out.
And Obama snoozes on. As does Gates, and all Obama's National Security Despisers. When they're not subtly green-lighting Iran to nuke Israel.
From Haaretz:
Nigeria intercepts 13 Iran missiles possibly destined for Gaza
Rocket launchers, grenades and other explosives camouflaged as building material were seized in the Nigerian port of Lagos.
By Barak Ravid
Nigeria's secret service said on Tuesday it had intercepted 13 containers of weapons from Iran in what Israeli defense sources believe may be part of a new smuggling route from Iran to Hamas in Gaza.
Rocket launchers, grenades and other explosives camouflaged as building material were seized in the Nigerian port of Lagos after being unloaded from an Iranian ship.
Nigerian media reports said the ship, which came from Iran, docked in Lagos' port for a few hours only, unloaded 13 containers and sailed on.
The bill of lading said the shipment consisted of building materials, Nigerian State Security Service spokeswoman Marilyn Ogar said.
"On opening the first container, the service operatives discovered rocket launchers, grenades and other explosives," Ogar said, adding the weapons were concealed among crates of floor tiles.
The SSS had received intelligence ahead of time about the intention to smuggle weapons in containers via Lagos and was prepared for it, reports said.
Nigerian National Security Adviser Andrew Owoye Azazi declined to say what ship carried the weapons into the port. He said the federal government would destroy the weapons.
According to the Nigerian media, the clearing agent in charge of unloading the containers from the ship offered to bribe the Nigerian customs officers to transfer the containers to an off-dock terminal, where they could be screened outside the port. The customs officials alerted the security services, who ordered the containers opened.
Israel and Nigeria maintain security, trade and diplomatic relations. About a year ago Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman visited Nigeria, accompanied by Nitzan Nuriel, director of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau.
A Foreign Ministry source said the Israeli Embassy in Nigeria was conducting talks with the SSS and the Nigerian foreign ministry in an attempt to find out more about the weapons and the investigation into the affair.
A senior defense source said preliminary information suggests the weapons' seizure has exposed a possible new arms smuggling route from Iran to Hamas, via Africa. He said the Iranians may have run into difficulties sending arms to Hamas via the Red Sea to the Sudan region and from there to Gaza via Sinai, following the beefed up international supervision on the movement of Iranian ships.
"Perhaps the Iranians were planning to unload the weapons in Nigeria and transfer them by land to Sudan and Sinai," the senior source said.
Defense officials said this could be Iran's third attempt at arms smuggling by sea that has been intercepted in the course of the past year.
In November 2009, the Israel Navy boarded the vessel Francop in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship was carring hundreds of tons of weapons from Iran to Syria or Hezbollah in Lebanon.
In September this year an arms delivery from Iran to Syria was intercepted in Italy's Calabria port. A few days later an arms shipment from North Korea to Syria was captured in a Greek port.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:23 PM
The guys at Newsmax usually do a fine job, but as I noted here a few weeks ago, they were really out of line to swing all their resources on behalf of a broken-down, compromised "conservative" like Bill McCollum in his GOP primary fight for governor of Florida. As we know, Rick Scott beat McCollum, who then stomped off without any congratulatory phone call, or even endorsement.
Until now (Oct. 24):
Breaking from
McCollum Endorses Rick Scott
Florida's Republican Attorney General Bill McCollum is urging voters to cast their votes for Rick Scott in the upcoming gubernatorial election.
McCollum had narrowly lost to Scott in the hard-fought GOP primary.
On Friday, McCollum issued the following statement:
“Florida is facing a critical time. Our state needs conservative leaders who will grow our economy and create jobs. We need merit pay and an end to teacher tenure in our public schools, major litigation reform, smaller government, low taxes and a repeal of Obamacare. With this in mind, I will cast my vote for Rick Scott for governor. It’s the better choice for Florida.”
How did I call it back on August 24?:
"Look for Newsmax to develop amnesia about its gag-reflex shilling and end up adoring Rick Scott."
And see how Newsmax came around on October 19:
Scott opposed Obamacare, has called for a cut in property tax rates, and wants to eliminate Florida’s business income tax over seven years. He has received an “A” rating from both the National Rifle Association and the Florida Right to Life organization.
The choice is clear for us: Florida needs Rick Scott, and so does the Republican Party.
Early voting has started in Florida. Be sure to vote and be sure to vote for the future of conservative values nationally by voting for Rick Scott.
Don't worry, Newsmax, better late than never. And we don't hold grudges here. ;- )
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:37 PM
Monday, October 25, 2010
"And nothing was left of it at all. Where has that life gone? And what has become of all that awful torment and torture? Can it really be that nothing at all is left of it? Can it really be that no one will answer for everything that happened? That it will all be forgotten without even any words to commemorate it? That the grass has grown over it?
So I ask you: How can all this be?"
--Vassily Grossman
We'll never forget her.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:05 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Pamela Geller, Newt Gingrich, and the Big Banquet Table
On April 15, 2009, Pamela Geller, the founder of the AtlasShrugs2000 website, appeared on Fox's “The Redeye” show with Greg Gutfelt, at 2 AM. She was opposite Alison Rosen and Bill Schulz. They discussed such issues as “Does Twitter make you immoral?” and “Do children lead to happiness?”
On November 7, 2009, Ms. Geller spoke in front of the Collin County Conservative Republicans, in McKinney Texas. On April 13, 2010, she began a campaign of bus and taxi ads in several cities offering safe-haven and support to frightened souls seeking to leave Islam. On June 7, she led and organized a rally with some 5,000 attendees in New York in protest of the mosque at Ground Zero. On July 27, 2010, her book, “The Post-American Presidency, was released, to wide acclaim, except from the far left. On September 11, 2010, she led another New York rally she had organized in protest against the Ground Zero Mosque, which drew at least 30,000 people. And just 2 Sundays ago, the New York Times ran a 3752-word article about Ms. Geller, along with 22 color photos, plus a supplemental 2871-word interview.
Quite a trip from the RedEye with Alison Rosen and Bill Schulz.
Ms. Geller’s achievements can best be understood by the ineluctable dynamic of the lamestream, errr, mainstream media and its fellow-travelers in leftist politics. For something close to 40 years, these people have maintained a closed system of self-dealing, self-promotion, self-protection and self-perpetuation, and they have prided themselves on their success on keeping it practically hermetically sealed. Their system has only one weakness: the unpredictability of America’s voters.
I’ll never forget how they smirked, giggled, and laaaaaaaaauuuuuuughed for 16 solid years as an incredibly knowledgeable, dynamic, and talented GOP congressman from Georgia openly stated his intent to become Speaker of the House. As Gingrich wounded, humiliated, and ousted one Dem honcho after another—Tip O’Neill; Mario Cuomo; Jim Wright—the lamestream media continued to pretend he was just a hyperactive bomb-thrower, a marginal political lunatic whom, as late as October 1990, they expected to be ousted by a RINO challenger put up by the “responsible adults” in the Bush White House. Newt, you see, didn’t see the mature wisdom in Pres. H.W. Bush’s decision to blatantly break his sole “read-my-lips” campaign promise, and said so without fear.
Well, you know, one thing the establishment has no patience for is people without fear. (Keep that in mind when you observe Ms. Geller, too.) But, as we all know, Newt wasn’t ousted in 1990…And just 4 years later he rolled the most devastating political tsunami in modern history across Washington (while war-hero H.W. Bush had been ignominiously retired to Maine by the Arkansas draft-dodger.) So Newt was given full props for his far-sighted strategy and determination, right?
Of course not. The Leftist ruling class of our country resembles nothing so much as a dinner table of snobby royals and socialites who see themselves entitled unto perpetuity with the authority to tell the little people outside the banquet hall how to live their lives (oh, and tax those mindless proles at any rate they see fit, it’s for their own good, dammit). At this banquet table the beautiful people discuss how they will exercise their rule and their plans for the future, but perhaps most important they boost each other to ensure that their happy little clique keeps everyone there at the table friendly, loyal, and reliable.
Ohhhhh, but those pesky elections. Remember Newt? How can you have a table of elites without a Speaker of the House? But Newt wasn’t just a successor to Tom Foley (who of course lost HIS chair). Newt was an ideological opposite, an indigestible, hostile, and alien presence. How could they just seat him and keep the banquet pleasant? No, they had to create a buffer space around him, which means at least a couple OTHER SEATS MUST BE VACATED. Oh, dear, some good and loyal banqueteers had to be asked to leave. How unpleasant. But we can’t have the banquet degenerate into a heated argument, can we? Especially if we are arguing with a former college professor who’s just obliterated 2 Speakers, Jim Wright and Tom Foley?
Hence the deep, deeeeeep psychic depression in 1994-95 as the elites decided who would take the hit. They basically settled on (ooohhhh, the pain)… Hillary Clinton, and her loyalists (remember Marian Wright Edelman? I do.) This was sad, but logical: hadn’t it been Hillary’s now-clear-in-retrospect bumbling failure in her health care plan that had led to the Newt disaster? Out went Hillary, not to be seen again until she had re-invented herself as a wronged-but-loyal wife and “moderate pro-Israel Democrat” to run for Senate in 2000. And slid into Sen. Moynihan’s seat. “Welcome back, Hillary, we finally got rid of Newt!”
Which brings us to Pamela Geller. She hasn’t been elected to anything, but she has all but broken through the door to the banquet hall through sheer force of intellectual argument, stunning energy, and hard-earned internet presence. Oh, and the staggering cluelessness of every single guest at the table: not one of them, to include the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saw any need for ideological adjustment even after a jihadist major in the US Army culminated a loving (and officially approved!) e-mail correspondence with a notorious al-Qaeda agent in Yemen by gunning down 43 of his comrades as he screamed out “allaaahakbar.” No, what was most important in the wake of the atrocity was that there be no “backlash” against Muslims in the Army, and that the Army’s diversity not become a casualty, according to General Casey.
Good grief.
The reason this little blogress has moved from strength to strength the past year and a half is that these elites have been guilty of such acts of malfeasance and nonfeasance that a truly healthy society would have long ago tarred and feathered them (at least), demanded honorable suicide, or simply shot them for treason (which is what Maj. Hassan deserved as soon as he sent his first e-mail to Awlaki). But these people continue to pretend that the ideas of Pamela Geller, and those of her utterly normal and logical comrades like Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, Bat Ye’or, Sue Myrick, Andrew Breitbart and David Gaubatz are the problem. Funny, I haven’t noticed any of them even try to incinerate a synagogue, or blow up a plane full of civilians, or speed a car into a crowd of pedestrians, or roll a grenade into a commanding officer’s tent, or saw the head off an innocent hostage on internet TV, or murder a too-independent daughter, sister or wife, all the while screaming “allaaaaahakbar.”
As with Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and many other hated banquet-crashers, Ms. Geller’s “shocking” success is a direct result of the total failures of our media, intellectual and political elites. Because reality has so thoroughly obliterated their smug ideological constructs, these “unqualified” commentators continue to replace them. And will continue to do so.
I hate to break it to the elites, but as is stated in the banquet scene from the Book of Daniel, their days are numbered. Remember the elections? In just a week, a raft of people who are, shall we say, Geller-friendly, are about to be elected to Congress, as well as move up to committee chairmanships. They will have the authority to conduct hearings, subpoena witnesses, confront bureaucrats, and draft legislation. The whole rotten pro-jihadi infrastructure of the news media and Washington is about to be smashed.
And if they thought Newt caused trouble at the banquet table, they ain’t seen nothing yet, as an awakened America finally rises to ideologically crush 21st century jihadism. The New York Times has managed a dim, fearful idea of this future…hence their laughably wrong-headed and incompetent attempt to smear Ms. Geller on October 10. The Times has become so in-bred and genetically feeble they can’t even do a patented-by-them hit-piece right any more. Look at all those great photos! Sorry, guys, you just threw the rabbit into the briar patch.
I have a strange feeling that a not-so-few banqueteers like, ohhhhhh, Nancy Pelosi, Keith Ellison, and Joy Behar, are about to be forced to leave. But for you, Ms. Geller, we have a seat right here in the middle, and for a number of your friends, too. Bon appétit!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
12:25 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2010
If you read enough stories about Arab mobs attempting to lynch Jews in Israel, you notice a few common themes:
1--Use of very young children (or women) to freeze the "Yahud" target;
2--A team of older killers who step forward when the kids have completed their task;
3--Redundant camerawork to ensure that an anti-Jewish narrative can be fabricated from the incident, no matter what actually happened.
Considering this history, we can only imagine the horrific scene that would have ensued had David Be'eri (who was driving with his young son in the car with him) not STEPPED ON THE GAS and unhesitatingly knocked aside the little soulless human sandbag who was attempting to hurl a rock through his windshield from 5 feet away. Note carefully the details of this episode:
1--At .03, a friendly chat with a local driver (indicating neighborhood support for and knowledge of the planned lynching). Also, you can count no less than 6 pre-teen human sandbags, most wearing designer jeans. (Didn't the Khmer Rouge specialize in exploiting children as killers?)
2--Five of the kids run up the street directly at the honking car (.08-.10). But the car doesn't stop, so the murderous plan is disrupted.
3--Two OLDER "Asian youths" move in to hurl more rocks from closer to the car. (.15-.17)
4--At least five adults (not including the cameraman for this video) holding notably sophisticated, expensive cameras position themselves to get various better angles (.13-.21). These people are almost surely with the Palestinian Authority, not alJazeera.
5--The entire rear window of Mr. Be'eri's car is smashed out (.22-.25).
6--A team of older people who seem to be in charge take it upon themselves to bundle the little cretin into a van--notice his hands on the door (.37-.45) as they put him in. Does it look like he wants to get rescued?
Keep this failed Pallywood scene in mind as you read or watch the monotonous dirge of stories from lamestream media morons denouncing the arrogant-brutal-racist-insensitive-violent-provocative behavior of "extremist Jewish settlers" towards their peaceful Arab neighbors. Also, never forget that death by stoning ("lapidation") is an ancient Arab custom that is still popular to this day.
By the way, if the comments on this YouTube video are any indication, Israel may have turned a corner in terms of non-Jewish sympathy for the Arabs. I've never seen the words "I wished the kid died" posted so many times in one place.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:32 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
"I was not deterred. Each appearance was 'a teachable moment.' And I was glad of it. " --Pamela Geller of “AtlasShrugs2000,” explaining why she decided to appear on lamestream media shows she knew in advance would be rigged against her.
This weekend appears to mark a turning point in Islam’s war against America. This weekend, the lamestream media, via ABC News, officially declared its allegiance to Islam.
On Friday night, Diane Sawyer and Bill Weir hosted a laughably shallow and juvenile (and one-sided) “special,” "Faith and Fear: Islam in America.” And today, the absurdly miscast and undertalented Christiaaaaane Amanpooooouuuuur ran an even worse “town hall“ show, “Holy War: Should Americans Fear Islam?”
Today, the great Pamela Geller of AtlasShrugs wrote a long explanation of why she has agreed to appear on many network interviews the last few months. She needn’t have bothered. She and her comrades (and I like to think of myself here at JO as a humble little spear-carrier in my own right!) have absolutely mopped the floor with the forces of jihad, open and stealth, the past year.
Pamela, sometimes in the heat of what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn vividly described as "an encounter battle," we tend to lose track of our position and progress, and whether we are gaining, or losing. In fact, it is almost impossible to really know, when you are INSIDE THE BATTLE. Since it appears you are personally inside the battle 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you have a little trouble seeing through all the smoke and shrapnel!
But let us take a step back, and review our positions from the past to the present, and we can get a better sense.
The strategy, and TACTICS, you and Robert Spencer and your esteemed comrades at Stop the Islamization Of America (AND Stop the Islamization Of Europe) have followed has paid off FABULOUSLY. From the "Leaving Islam?" ads to the formation of SIOA to the "Post-American Presidency" book to the focus on the Victory Mosque to the rallies against sharia, your cause has made one giant stride after another in the past ~1 year. And your enemies know it! Hence their pathetic new turn.
But is there any doubt that an effort premised on the idea of pushing shariah-goodness to the descendants of Jefferson, Washington, and Patton is headed for a flaming crash to rival the Hindenburg?!
You watch, you will be able to shift the dynamic of this latest media knee-jerk (from see-no-evil-Islam to carry-the-water dawah) to burn them even worse. If the Repubs capture even one house this year, you can bet at least one committee will be chaired by an enlightened anti-jihadi, and substantive hearings will battering-ram open the gates of media whitewash. Guys like Warraq, Sultan, Darwish, and of course YOU and Robert, will become honored guests and witnesses on Capitol Hill. You can look Rep. Keith Ellison (Jihad—Minn.) straight in his evil mug and humiliate him in public, heheh. This is coming in a matter of a few short months.

This is a long way of saying to Pamela and her comrades:
The great challenge will be how to best harness the vast energies of the countless POWs who will soon surrender to us.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
2:51 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
10:10 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I just heard the normally intelligent Charles Krauthammer AGAIN (this time to Bill O'Reilly) cite the late great Bill Buckley as evidence that Delaware conservatives were crazy to support Christine O'Donnell over Mike Castle: "William F. Buckley always said to support the most conservative candidate who could WIN...What is at stake is the chance to control the Senate." [pretty close to verbatim]
Nice try, Charles, but how stupid do you think we are? You were a big-shot pundit awaaaaaayyyy back in 1988, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and William F. Buckley single-mindedly, and almost single-handedly, led a campaign TO UNSEAT AN INCUMBENT REPUBLICAN SENATOR. Remember? Does the name "Lowell Weicker" ring a bell, Chuck? He was part of the GOP Senate MAJORITY from 1980 to 1986, but he was so liberal (and so venomously anti-Reagan) that WFB took it upon himself to find a candidate to defeat him. His solution to the Weicker problem? Joe Leiberman--a Democrat. Buckley supported a Democrat against an incumbent Republican because Weicker was actually a "Republican"--a RINO.
Did that really work out so bad for the conservative cause? Hell, the guy even threw the 2000 VP debate for Dick Cheney!
Charles, for a very smart guy (even though you did write for that New Deal flagship "New Republic" for all those years), you can be pretty stupid from time to time. Here's a little message for you and for all your fellow GOP old-bull wise-guys, like Karl "Tokyo" Rove:
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:15 PM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:20 AM
Friday, September 10, 2010

If we had a little of the same vision and determination here in America (and Europe), we might indeed see churches and synagogues being built in Mecca and Medina in a few decades, in fraternal proximity to the mosques. Persistent, forceful and friendly persuasion would surely open the minds and hearts of Muslims to see that these 14 centuries of imperialism and aggression need to be definitively canceled.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:23 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
6:35 PM
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I could have presented six days of apostasy and shariah law, but if on the 7th day the judge said “Rifqa, you lose,” then how have I helped Rifqa? My goal was to get the result for her, however we need to do it, within the bounds of the law.”
Amen to that, Brother Gatterdam!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:15 PM
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I swear, I must have heard for 20 years how "modern" and "progressive" and "well-educated" and oh-so-ready-for-statehood the Balesdinian Arabs are...Now they've taken their Israeli-constructed turnkey society in Gaza, and made it into a by-God duplicate of one of the great scenes of one of the great movies ever made. First, the news story from Arutz Sheva:
No Lights in Gaza; Fatah and Hamas Trade Blame
Av 27, 5770, 07 August 10 10:00
by Hillel Fendel
( Gaza's power station is down once again, and once again, Fatah and Hamas trade accusations.
It seems to be a semi-monthly occurrence. It happened in April, then again in June, and now once more: Gaza's only power station, providing a third of the area's electricity to two-thirds of its residents, stopped its generators on Saturday. As in the past, the stoppage is due to a dispute between Hamas, the terrorist organization that runs Gaza, and Fatah, which runs the Judea-Samaria part of the Palestinian Authority.
Now, just click on the embed above to see what I mean! (I've thoughtfully provided the key dialogue, from 0:52 50 2:35:):
Anthony Quinn: He insulted me.
Peter O’Toole: Sherif Ali said that the telephones are in the care of the Howeitat, and they have ceased to work. And this is true, Auda.
Quinn: They will not work because they are given no electricity. The electricity is in the care of the Harith.
O’Toole: If you answer, there will be bloodshed.
Omar Sharif: You speak to me of bloodshed?...I ask pardon of Auda Abu Tayi.
Quinn: Humbly? Humbly, Harith?
Sharif: Yes, humbly.
Quinn: This is a new trick.
O’Toole: Why is there no electricity?
Metrosexual sheikh: I have been to that electrical house, Lawrence. There are three large machines.
Memebr of audience: He means generators!
Metro. Sheikh: So. One of them is burning. They are of an incredible size, but helpless.
Koranic scholar: It is so of all machines.
Other sheikh: Let them burn. What need of telephones?
O’Toole: The need is absolute.
Sharif: Then we need the English engineers.
O’Toole: No. Take English engineers and you take English government. Take...
Desperate reporter: Fire has broken out.
O’Toole: Where?
Reporter: The Jinsibi district.
Member of audience: It is not a district that matters.
O’Toole: It will spread!
Member of Audience: Then in God’s name use the fire brigade!
Ruala sheikh: We have tried, Orence, but there is no force in the water.
O’Toole: Then you must carry it.
R. sheikh: The Ruala do not carry water.
Quinn: What else are they good for?
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
2:00 PM
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ahhh, the fatal stabbing...gulping the blood with gusto from a plastic cup...The righteous pony-tailed uncle/drug dealer/murderer...the betrayed wife/niece/sister back in Mexico...The booming music as the assassin "squeezes" through the bedroom window "with a large knife in his hand"...The tentative attacks with a 15-lb weight and a knife... Why are we not surprised to learn in the 25th paragraph of a 26-graph story that: "All of the adults in the home are illegal immigrants."
Witness: Stabbing Suspect Drank Victim's Blood--
Mauricio Mendez Lopez is sought in the stabbing death of Macario Cruz.
Last Modified: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 10:18 p.m.
BARTOW | After stabbing his roommate to death, Mauricio Mendez Lopez raised a plastic cup filled partially with the victim's blood and drank it, according to an eyewitness.
"He had a cup in his hand," Mariella Mendez, who lived with the two men, told a Bay News 9 interpreter Tuesday. "He told me, 'That dog is dead now and his life belongs to me.' "
Lopez "raised the glass in the air and said aloud, '...this is my secret,' and laughed as he ran away from the residence," according to a Bartow police report.
Lopez, who remains at large, is accused of killing 32-year-old Macario Cruz about 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the house they shared at 1055 Martin Luther King Blvd. in Bartow.
Bartow police say the fatal confrontation stemmed from a love triangle where Cruz was in a relationship with Mariella Mendez, who also lives in the home with her children. She is the sister of Cruz's wife, who lives in Mexico.
Lopez, the uncle of the two women, didn't approve of the relationship. Reports say he had warned the two July 24 that he would tell Cruz's wife and Mendez's father if the affair wasn't ended.
On that same day, Lopez struck Cruz in the face with a 15-pound hand weight, then chased Cruz and Mendez from the home with a knife, police reports said.
Four days later, Lopez told Mendez he was going to kill her and Cruz in the next 15 days if they refused to end the relationship, police said.
There was no more contact with Lopez until Sunday.
Mendez told police that while she was outside she heard Lopez turn music on in his bedroom very loud.
Suddenly, Mendez said, Lopez forced his bedroom window open and squeezed through it with a large knife in his hand, lurching toward Cruz's 22-year-old brother, Juan Cruz, saying he was going to kill him.
While the younger Cruz was able to escape, he was cut by Lopez in his lower back.
That's when Lopez went into the house and Mendez heard her children scream, reports said.
"He closed the door in front," Mendez said. "I tried to go in, but I couldn't. All I heard was the children screaming, 'Please don't kill him. Uncle, please let him live. Don't kill Macario.' "
When Lopez came out of the home, he placed a knife blade to Mendez's throat and demanded her cell phone.
Fearing for her life, she gave it to him.
Before he left, Lopez got the plastic cup and scooped up blood from the floor, Bartow police said.
"In Mexico, they say that the blood he drank was so he could evade law enforcement," Mendez said. "He kept saying that his life belonged to him and that's why he had to drink it. To me, it's as if the devil was working him
A Mexican woman, who asked her name be withheld because of the nature of the event, said the ritual is known to criminal underworld elements in Mexico, especially among drug dealers.
"They do that in order to get strength," the woman said. "It's a scary thought that someone would do that. But it is out there."
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:02 AM
Labels: illegal immigration
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Maaaahhh friends...
I can truthfully say I have never felt such ambivalence about our great nation's future on any 4th of July. Even last year, as depressing as it was to have our first overtly anti-American President of America, it seemed inevitable that he would be thwarted...that the Dhimms--and the lamestream media-- would have critical defections...and that the damage he'd be able to do wd be limited.
I was wrong.
The Dhimms--including Ben Nelson, elected by the most Republican state in the nation--gulped down the health-care Kool-Aid. The media maintained a truly Soviet monolithicism. The GOP never created an effective alliance with the great Tea Party citizens to really frighten the traitor class, and so were largely irrelevant. (Tho they at least avoided co-endorsing the Obamunist agenda, to their credit).
All the while, those filthy Dhimms have been secretly stashing away phony "voters" by the millions onto the state rolls, in anticipation of blunting the GOP in 2010, and permanently marginalizing it in 2012.
I fear they will be successful. And have no doubt: if they are, our country is finished.
The great historians teach us that the lifespan of even the greatest republics is about 200 years. Although our country is 234 years old today, our Republic is more accurately 221 years.
Let me ask you a question: what portion of American high-school graduates below the age of 40 can accurately tell you what a "republic" is on this July 4th? 10%? 20?
And not to go all Biblical here, but there is a very famous line from Genesis 12, referring to Israel: "I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse." Is Obama's unprecedented contempt--truly "dishonor"-- for Israel merely a symptom of our nation's gross decline, or is it setting in motion a dynamic of events that will finish us off? Recall that, while Obama is a uniquely anti-Israel president, our "Department of State" has had an anti-Israel animus since before that state's rebirth in 1948.
Well, I am sitting here in central Florida, with a nice load of fireworks, but because of the constant rain (yesterday, too), it just doesn't feel like the 4th of July. It is as if God is trying to tell us something.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
9:29 AM
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How lame and pathetic are we to invite these lizard-eating Arabian savages to invade and overrun our noble civilization and culture. BTW, these lizards are utterly harmless, inoffensive herbivorous mastigures (genus Uromastyx).
Yes, let’s import more of these saurophageous primitives into Holland, and throw Geert Wilders in jail for hurting their feelings (he's on trial this week for thought-crime).
By all means.
[Flashback to 2008, as Arabs cut the throat of a rare giant sea turtle while kids watch]
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
8:36 PM
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Well, I suppose this is one way of putting it:
“Passengers”…"Aid ship…” Riiiiiiight…Just like those “ultra-religious Jooooooooos” slaughtered in Mumbai in 2008.
Levinson (and let’s not even hazard a guess as to his native religious persuasion, ooyyyyyyyyy) continues the WSJ’s slow but steady march into New York Slime’s-land.
When Confucius was asked what should be the first task of a new ruler, he replied: "What is neccessary is to rectify names...If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things. If language be not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to success."
We sure could use a lot more Confucianism today. Especially at the WSJ.
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
11:30 AM
Friday, June 4, 2010
Ohhhh, booo-hooo-hooooooo, a 19-year-old Turkish-American jihadi, Furkan Dogan was sent directly from the good ship Mavi Marmara to hell the other night by an Israeli naval hero. "Ohhhhhh, the humanity, such a future he had, such potential!" He was going to be a doctor (just like the Glasgow airport firebomber Bilal Abdullah in 2007.) Spare me that bullsh!t, please. Like we should have mourned the death of some sensitive HitlerJugend back in 1936?
We've had an epidemic in our country of "sudden jihadi syndrome," where fine upstanding young Muslim-Americans emerge as vicious mass-murderers of poor unsuspecting naive Yanks. Now this clown Dogan does us the favor of outing himself 9,000 miles away on the high seas, but bad luck for him a well-armed kaffir was present before he could give full rein to his homicidal lusts. Bad luck for him, but fantastic good fortune for the rest of us, who now have one less bloodthirsty jihadi maniac to worry about.
I can just see the interview we've now been permanently spared: "He was always polite, but very quiet. I never knew he had an interest in explosives. I still can't really believe he's done this, all these people dead."
Here are a few of the home-raised jihadis that we were NOT fortunate enough to see eliminated by a courageous foreign commando:

The Israeli Navy surely saved innocent American lives, police bullets, and perhaps millions in court costs by drowning this little Turkish plague rat. BRAVO AND THANK YOU!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
7:05 PM
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
No doubt the Israeli Navy guessed wrong as to the tactical plan of the jihadis on the killa-flotilla, but the larger fact remains that all 6 of the ships were seized, and all the 650 would-be infiltrators/invaders were arrested, with the exception of the 9 rabids who were efficiently eradicated. "Some days you break the blockade; some days the blockade breaks you." And, significantly, Turkey has been served notice that you can play international jihad promoter if you want, but then don't be surprised if your proud Turkish nationals get liquidated and arrested on the high seas by well-armed Jooooooooos. "Ohhhhhh, the humiliation..."
But let's also recognize a smoking [lol] success by the IDF today, the add-on obliteration of 3 Fakestinian jihadis near Gaza...Love the reverse trajectory on those missiles!
Posted by
Jewish Odysseus
3:05 PM