My friends, imagine if you will a kind of Einsteinian thought experiment, with the question being:
“Can we posit or theorize a single action that would:
*Make Ahmedinejad and the mullahs go weak in the knees with terror and rage?
*Shock and confuse the worldwide left-progressive mob?
*Refute, delegitimize and invalidate the theory and practice of shariah? And provoke an existential crisis within the ideology of Islam?
*Leave George Soros and his White House puppet utterly confused and humiliated?
*Make courage and inspiration swell in the breast of every true Christian and Jew, and every other human with a soul, on earth?
*This action would instantly halt the largest ongoing process of archeological vandalism since the Taliban blew the Bamyan Buddhas to smithereens; and actually restore one of the most storied and ancient religious sites of all of human history.
*And this single action could be executed by a sovereign, democratic government…without any need for an invasion nor intervention upon any other country.
*And, strictly as an added bonus...MAAAAAAAYYYYYBE even speed the arrival of the Messiah?
Imagine this, all in theory.
If we could posit such an action, would you support it?“
What’s not to like?

A REAL Troublemaker.
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce the visionary Rabbi Chaim Richman, the international director of the Temple Institute, and a man who along with all of the great folks at the Institute, has devoted his life to rebuilding the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. Yes, the same Temple that was built by King Solomon in 957 B.C.E.; demolished by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.E.; rebuilt by Haggai and Zechariah in 516 B.C.E, and expanded by Herod in 16 C.E.; and then destroyed a second time by Titus in 70 C.E.
This coming Sunday, March 30, Rabbi Richman and his dedicated comrades will host
the Fifth Annual International Temple Mount Awareness Day (ITMAD) webcast (and RE-webcast) live from the holy city of Jerusalem for 4 solid hours. The purpose of this event is to increase support for the many organizations, both in and out of Israel, that are working to rebuild the Holy Temple, on its original spot on Mount Moriah. Informative links to the program can also be found
here and
Everyone knows that Israel liberated all of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War; but I doubt if anyone knows exactly why, for nearly 47 years (so far), Israel refused to exercise its lawful sovereignty over the single holiest Jewish site, inside its own capital. “It didn’t seem like a good idea at the time,” I guess. But, as we all know, it’s never too late to do the right thing.
[And for those who have been misled into believing that only G-d himself can restore the Holy Temple to its rightful place, you need to listen to any or all of Rabbi Richman's 5-part video series, "
The Holy Temple: Man-made or Heaven sent?," based on the teachings of the Rambam/Maimonides, that decisively refutes this pernicious and corrosive myth.]
Enjoy this interview with the founder of the Temple Institute, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, who was one of the paratroopers who liberated the Temple Mount in 1967
One argument that has been offered repeatedly over the years is that, ”If Israel does this now, it will destabilize moderate Arab regimes, and threaten the Camp David Accords.” Well, as we review the wreckage of Western Mideast policy in March 2014—with the Muslim Waqf still being allowed to control the Temple Mount-- that argument is the deadest of dead letters, n’est ce pas?
On the merits, there is a compelling case to rebuild the Holy Temple now. The Waqf has delighted in destroying and trashing (as in: bringing to the town dump) as many artifacts from the original Temples as it could, and pursuing a rogue policy of expanding its two sites—the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aksa Mosque without regard for the Jewish archeological treasures that overflow Har HaBayit (the Temple Mount). By commencing the rebuilding project now, and ejecting the waqf from the Temple Mount until it is complete, Israel will be able to preserve or salvage those treasures, in keeping with the universally-recognized high standards of its Antiquities Authority, without the absurd distraction of obscurantist-inspired riots to interfere with their work.
Perhaps most important, by making the inalterable decision to rebuild the Temple, Israel will effectively throw the deadly bucket of water onto the Wicked Witch of Islam. Ever since Khomeini returned to Iran in 1979, revanchist Islam has become bolder and bolder in its threats against both Israel, da Joooooooooooos, and the West in general. Indeed, the last time Muslim zealots felt so free to proclaim a coming “momentous massacre” was in the days of Gamal Abdel Nasser. In 1967.
Nasser trafficked in military threats, was crushed on the battlefield, and was a shadow of his former self until he died a few years after. Today’s Islamists traffic in koranic threats and prophecies, and until now not a single major figure has stood up to address and refute their disgusting libels.
But actions speak louder than words. Once the Jewish Temple is rebuilt and consecrated on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, can you imagine the shock and consternation amongst the Islamists? Instantly, all these odious and lurid koranic sermons against the Jews will be rendered nothing short of ridiculous and laughable; while the faith of the supporters of Israel will be strengthened and vindicated. And will this lead to a more peaceful world?
Well, as a well-known Arabian Muslim said in 2001: “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse.” What would demonstrate the strength of the Jewish people and their faith more conclusively than the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem?
Just a few years back, what did the vile octogenarian Yusuf Qaradawi bray out to a roaring crowd of Cairo jihadis? That he plans to pray at the alAksa mosque. Imagine if his dream is thwarted by the presence of the third Holy Temple? It might even provoke an aneurysm in the old demon.
Back in 1980, Ronald Reagan was pilloried by the sophisticates and beautiful morons for asserting that America’s (unsuccessful) effort to save South Vietnam from communism was a “noble cause.” Reagan ignored the catcalls, and crushed an incumbent president-sophisticate. That is a lesson for us as we contemplate how close we are to seeing the rebuilding of the Holy Temple in our days, for what nobler cause could conceivably be found on the face of the earth?
Let's all pray that this effort will eventually grow to become much more than a finger in the eye of Satan, something much more decisive: